Stoppage of periods or the end of menstrual cycles is called
menopause. There is one myth in India regarding the early occurrence of
menarche and late occurrence of menarche. If the menstrual cycle starts in the
year of 10 then the menopause will occur as early as possible, if the menarche
starts after 17 years the menopause will occur as late as possible. This apart,
now let’s see some of the symptoms of menopause.
Symptoms of menopause
*Irregular periods
*vaginal dryness
*hot flashes
*night sweats
*sleep problems
*mood changes
*weight gain and
slowed metabolism
*thinning hair and
skin dryness
*loss of breast
Most of the symptoms are due to the hormone fluctuation during the menopausal stage, the decrease in the levels of estrogen is the main cause for these symptoms. Now lets see some of the risk factors of low levels of estrogen.
*heart and blood
vessel disease
*urinary incontinence
*sexual dysfunction
*weight gain
Increase in the blood
cs, diabetes cholesterol levels inturn increase the deposition of cholesterol
in the blood vessels resulting in atherosclerosis and other major
cardiovascular diseases. The calcium absorption by the intestine is lowered in
the low levels of estrogen resulting in a bone disease called osteoporosis. The
relaxation of the vaginal and muscles of urethra results in urinary
incontinence. The dryness of vagina due to the low levels of estrogen results
in sexual dysfunction. And low metabolic process leads to increase in the weight
Recent treatment for low levels of estrogen is prescription of estrogen
supplements in provided dosage but it has lots of side effects like abdominal
pain, mainly due to abdominal bloating, myalgia, sleepiness, allergy. Estrogen
supplements also increases the risk of breast cancer, vaginal bleeding, endometrial
hyperplasia which results in abnormal growth of tumours in uterus, also
abnormally increases the cholesterol levels of blood, increase risk of
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hormone dependant tumour, weight loss, skin
related disorders, decreased brain cognitive function
It is also not recommended in
pregnancy, also disrupting endocrine may affect fertility. Stoppage of the
estrogen supplements results in the return of menopausal symptoms, increase in
blood pressure, high risk of heart attack. The oral supplements of estrogen
results in disrupted organisation of female HPG axis, results in irregular
menstrual cycle, premature puberty and malformation in ovary , uterus, and
oviduct following neonatal administration.
The alternative treatment for estrogen supplements is phytoestrogens at
the dosage of 60 mg but the available supplemental dosage is 500 mg, when taken
the side effects are enlargement of breast, but reduces the risk of cancer. The
phytoestrogens contains chemical constituents like isoflavones, coumestans,
lignans. Isoflavones are abundantly found in soy, chickpeas, clover, lentils,
and beans. Lignans are found abuntantly in flaxseeds, lentils, whole grains,
beans, fruits, vegetables. Coumestans are found in sprouting plants,
flavonones, saponins, etc., Apart from this food herbs like black and blue
cohosh, evening primrose oil, chaste berry, licorice, and vit e increases the
levels of estrogen.Also the antioxidants present in these substance reduces the
risk of cancer, decreases blood cholesterol levels, decreases menopausal
symptoms, reduces the risk of cancer, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and
increases sexual enjoyment.